Thank You for Giving to the Lord

Please click one of the options below to give online or text to give. You will have the option to give your Tithe, to Missions, to the church building fund, and to any other specified ministry. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness in giving to the work of God.

Text Giving Instructions:

1. Set Up Text2Give

  • Text any amount to 84321.

  • Tap the setup link in the reply to connect to your church, choose a payment method, and complete your first donation.

  • If you’ve used Text2Give with another church, text STOP to disconnect before setting up with your current church.

2. Donate with Text2Give

  • After setup, text an amount to 84321 to donate.

  • To specify a fund, add the fund name after the amount (e.g., "$5 building").

  • Split donations between funds by listing amounts and fund names (e.g., "$5 missions $6 building").

3. Manage Your Account

  • Manage your payment method or disable Text2Give via your donor profile on Church Center (web browser). Go to My Giving > Text2Give.

Please specify in the' memo' area if you want to give to any other event or fund. You may also give online by clicking the link above or through traditional envelope giving.

Thank you for supporting the Lord’s Work at

Huisache Avenue Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas 78201!